
Jen Bervin,

"Who is creating language? We do the best we can with it, but language is inherently found; even neologisms are from the alphabet. Pound’s “make it new” is much harder. Laura Riding wrote of Gertrude Stein: “None of the words Miss Stein uses have ever had any experience. They are no older than her use of them.” There are certainly many writers who have tried to invent new language systems—many are well-documented in one of my favorite books, Imagining Language: An Anthology Ed. by Jed Rasula and Steve McCaffery (MIT Press). In it, Michael Winkler’s alphabetic dials give shape to the spelling/sounds of words in a diagrammatic way that really gives me pause to think.

If matter is indeed neither created nor destroyed, then how are we contemplating and engaging what’s here? To what end? We should care more for “what our deeds effect,” as Eric Gill says. Take the exquisite quilts of Gee’s Bend for instance. Matter speaks. "

From here.


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