This has been a for real winter. After a summer drought it should replenish the water table.
Put together my garden seed order. Mostly the usual stuff with some wrinkles. A slew of various flowers, hoping I can create some beds in the front yard for these. New to the roster: turnips, melons, spring onions, horseradish, and blueberries.
interm measures
bright green turf
then shadow, lilac
in the foreground next
door's vine. Invite
the words along eyes
open martin's wings fold
in & dive amongst
never "the scenery" but
a shifting of things I
do I do live in.
Tony Baker
The tag for italics is >i< You surround the word you want to italicize like so:
Alternatively, you can use >em< That's the more semantic, "correct" tag, but I'm not sure if Blogger knows that yet.
O right. I could just do it, behind the scenes w/ the code. Makes sense. Thanks
No problem. You know I got my lt's and my gt's mixed up, right? I'm
assuming you know the basic structure of an HTML tag.
I am soooo tired right now.
Also, I don't have a real way to get in touch with you except this comment on your blog.
So, here is my address:
Write to me, wouldya?
Talk to you later,
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