Here at F&F studios we work long into the night folding and stapling the newest. I've folded and stapled 270 copies last night and tonight, lest you doubt my fortitude. Tomorrow I trim and add a couple of other design elements. A press release at the end of the week if all goes swimmingly.
To catch up, the F&F reading was terrific. Should say more, but I wouldn't know where to start, at least tonight.
Ordered highbush blueberries yesterday. Planted green beans and cilantro today. The garden thus far: garlic, peas, carrots, beets, parsley, swiss chard, kale (two kinds), collards, spinach, tat soi, pac choi, various mustards (too many to name -- at least five different varieties), chinese cabbage, red salad bowl lettuce, butter crunch lettuce, salad mix, arugula, chives...
More to say. Soon hopefully.
270? that's crazy, man. you're a total wacko!
i get bored and tired after the first 10.
Yes, I'm monkey nuts. Only 230 to go!
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