
I am, by far the lamest blogger.

First post of '07, rejoice.

'07 has to be better than '06. Has to be.

Flooded with reading material. Need a month of Sundays to catch up. I have been, yet again, slow with comments. But there here on the page, I just need to type them up.

If anyone is willing to photocopy Ceravolo for me, I'll gladly trade F&F stuff or otherwise. I have: Spring, Green Lake, Wild Flowers, Transmigration. Anything else would be appreciated.

"I Let the Stars Get in My Eyes" by Kitty Wells.

Joel Pineiro? Ich don't think so. We'll see. Theo loves this kind of signing.

Obsessively listening to "158 Years of Beautiful Sex". The drummer is excellent, ha. Thanks to uncle wiggly for the reminder. Great song.

Hey, Michael Carr pointed out there is a new Prynne. How'd I miss that?

Yeah, it's a full moon. I can expect about three hours sleep.

Word from CARVE EDITIONS is that there are about 25 copies of

birds for example left. Thanks for buying them. If you don't have one, get after it.


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