

No Halloween parties to go to this weekend. Not certain if I'm disappointed or relieved. Halloween is by far my favorite holiday, except maybe Evacuation Day, but that is more of a regional thing. Supposed to meet with friends tonight but social motivation is low. Busy week, full book shelf and fireplace conspire to make Jess sedentary.

Opted for beef ribs last night, instead of usual pork ribs at local BBQ joint. Unusual for me to choose the cow over the pig. Oven roasted baby carrots were a delight. Nice to see good friends who braved the MLIS program together and hear what shape their personal and professional lives has taken.

Nearly all the leaves have been driven out of the trees by the insistent rainfall. This rain has been nightly music on the flat roof of the cabin. Plink. Plink. And even snow recently, a frosting, a veil. New England's five month winter (mid-November, December, January, February, March, mid April), weren't you just here. This is not summer nostalgia, I never miss summer. The fall for me please. I'm of elegies. When the leaves flower, light up what's left. I miss the birds and savor those that remain. But always the trees, their witches fingers, they keep me company.


Blogger Unknown said...

How were the beef ribs?

& dude, Bunker Hill Day totally rulz.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Jess Mynes said...

Beef ribs were good, but not as good as pork. Had to try them for curosity sake. Langston is joyously at work on the large rib bone.

12:25 PM  

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